Game Birds & Fowl Recipes

Goose Enchiladas

Goose Enchiladas

Since enchiladas are an extremely versatile meal, they can be prepared with a number of different ingredients that most find quite tasty, including goose…

Goose Parmesan

Goose Parmesan

A great way to enjoy your goose breast is to turn them into a delicious and hearty Goose Parmesan. Now my version of this…

Smoked Goose Tacos

Smoked Goose Tacos

I was pretty excited to receive two whole specklebelly geese from a friend of ours, Chad Belding with The Fowl Life. I had heard…

Duck Chow Mein

Duck Chow Mein

Asian stir-fry’s are some of my favorite ways to incorporate waterfowl and fresh vegetables. This duck chow mein recipe is so simple and easy…

Goose Pineapple Stir-Fry

Goose Pineapple Stir-Fry

An absolute favorite waterfowl recipe of ours is a sweet and sour stir-fry using marinated goose breast and several fresh vegetables garnished with the…

Goose Wonton Soup

Goose Wonton Soup

These orange and ginger goose wontons can be served in the chicken broth soup or served as a main dish. If you’re using two…

Goose Ginger Sausage Dinner Patties

Simple Goose Sausage

I had every intention of making these simple goose sausage patties for dinner with a wasabi mayonaise and slaw, but I forgot to buy…

Goose Stir-Fry

Goose Stir-Fry

This Asian inspired stir-fry dish is another one of our favorite Canada Goose recipes to serve up for the family or a special occasion….

Duck Breast Egg Rolls

Duck Egg Rolls

Egg rolls are easy to make and taste great with marinated duck and fresh vegetables. Serve these up with some sweet chili sauce, sweet…

Fied Vegetable Tempura

Vegetable Tempura

Looking for inspiration on what to cook alongside your wild game? These deep-fried vegetables are easy to make and more importantly… they are outstanding….

Ground Duck and Sausage Sliders

OK, truth be told, this isn’t 100% my own recipe for these flavor packed chipotle duck and sausage mini sliders, but I do have to say I did grind my own pork sausage used in this recipe and added a little extra KICK!